Online Seminar on Cybercrime

Graphics: IRZ
Graphics: IRZ

As part of its cooperation with the Georgian Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, IRZ organised an online seminar on cybercrime on 9 and 10 November 2021. The event was aimed at Georgian public prosecutors.

In the context of international cooperation, cross-border cooperation to combat cybercrime is indispensable. This requires an intensive exchange of experience as a basis for developing appropriate strategies to combat it.

IRZ was able to win Andreas May, Senior Public Prosecutor at the Central Office for Combating Internet Crime at the Office of the Public Prosecutor General in Frankfurt am Main as a German expert. Andreas May first presented the tasks and work of his authority and then spoke about, among other things:

  • the legal framework conditions of cybercrime in Germany,
  • its most important manifestations, 
  • investigations in the area of cybercrime and their special features (including digital evidence, cloud evidence, etc.) as well as
  • court proceedings in the field of cybercrime.

The participants followed Chief Public Prosecutor May's explanations with great interest. Following the lecture, a lively discussion developed for a mutual exchange of ideas. It was suggested that the seminar be established as a fixed component of the training programme for Georgian prosecutors. IRZ is prepared to organise and accompany further events on topics of this kind in the coming year.