(from right to left): The President of the Supreme Court of Albania, Sokol Sadushi, the German Ambassador, Karl Bergner and Dr Stefan Pürner, Head of Section, IRZ. Albania
The official handover of the documentation software for the case law of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Albania, which was developed with project funding from the Federal Foreign Office, took place in Tirana on 15 July 2024. The new database, which is accessible to judges and public prosecutors as well as lawyers and the public, helps to speed up court proceedings through faster research, standardisation of case law and greater transparency in the judiciary.
The President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Albania, Sokol Sadushi, and the German Ambassador, Karl Bergner, thanked IRZ for its support for legal reforms in Albania. The country has been a partner state for many years and IRZ will continue its good cooperation with the Albanian partner institutions.
Image of the event participants in the training situation Albania
A training course on the topic of "Drafting judgments" took place on 30 May 2024 in Tirana, which was implemented by IRZ in cooperation with the School of Magistrates in Albania. The training was aimed at Albanian judges and is part of the strategy to deal specifically with cross-cutting issues and thus provide further training in key skills across all areas of law.
The aim of the event was to train the participants to write consistent, logical and specific reasons for judgements in accordance with the law, to raise awareness of the relevance of this type of reasoning and thus to enable the effective handling of legal disputes. The focus was on the structure of the reasons for judgement, the standards of review by the court of appeal in Albania and the German standards for writing judgements.
The event was organised as part of the institutional grant from the Federal Ministry of Justice. IRZ will continue its constructive cooperation with the Magistrates' School in the area of training and further training for judges in the future.
Regional expert exchange of the Constitutional Courts and Supreme Courts of Kosovo and Albania on the topic "The balance between legality and constitutionality control", December 14, 2023 in Pristina (Kosovo). Kosovo and Albania
The regional exchange between the Constitutional Courts and Supreme Courts of Kosovo and Albania on the balance between legality and constitutionality control took place for the second consecutive time on 14 December 2023. Approximately 80 judges and legal advisors from the four courts participated in the conference held in Pristina (Kosovo).
In her keynote address, Professor Dr Gabriele Britz, former judge at the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and Professor of Public Law and European Law at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, presented the German approach to balancing legality and constitutional control at the invitation of IRZ. During two panel discussions, the participants delved into selected legal questions, discussed ongoing developments in their case law, and deliberated on the associated challenges.
The cross-border exchange of experiences facilitated dynamic discussions and fostered an environment of mutual trust. The insights from German practice enriched the in-depth analysis of the legal framework, the prevailing case law across the four courts and the examination of established best practices.