IRZ supports the Supreme Court in the establishment of a documentation centre

During the kick-off event: "Series of training sessions in cooperation with the documentation centre of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Albania - methodology and practical exercises for the formation of legal sentences" on 20 December 2021 in Tirana (Albania). At the speaker's table, right to left: Dr. Arta Vorpsi, Cabinet Director at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Frank Hupfeld, Head of Section for South East Europe II / South Caucasus (IRZ), Thomas Traar, judge at the District Court of Bruck an der Mur (Austria) and Mr. Rainer Schliebs, RD, head of the documentation centre at the Federal Supreme Court.
Republic of Albania

In 2021, the IRZ helped the Supreme Court of the Republic of Albania to set up a documentation centre as part of the project funding for "court organisation" by the Federal Foreign Office.

The documentation centre at the Supreme Court will help judges of all instances to carry out their judicial tasks, and will make court judgements publicly accessible by documenting court judgements for internal and external use and designing a corresponding case law and documentation system. This is intended to create a more modern, efficient and transparent organisation of the court, and to improve public trust in the judiciary overall.

Against this backdrop, the IRZ organised a study trip for Dr. Arta Vorpsi, Cabinet Director at the Supreme Court, to the Federal Supreme Court (BGH) and the Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg (VHG BW) from 13-16 December 2021. During her stay in Germany, Dr. Vorpsi gained some practical insights into the structures, working practices and methods of the documentation centres of the BGH and the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG). During the visit, the head of the documentation centre at the BGH, Mr. Rainer Schliebs, and Mr. Hans-Joachim Dose, presiding judge at the BGH, and Mr. Florian Schmitt, an employee at the documentation centre of the BVerfG, explained the German practice and experiences in this area. Solutions and suggestions for the Albanian context were also identified. This exchange of expertise and experience in Karlsruhe was rounded off by a visit to the Administrative Court in Mannheim, where Dr. Vorpsi studied the work of the nationwide unique asylum documentation at the VGH BW. Dr. Vorpsi had talks with Professor Jan Bergmann, Presiding judge at the VGH BW, Dr. Kathrin Osteneck, judge at the VGH BW and Dr. Sophie Roche, head of the documentation centre at the VGH BW.

In addition to this study trip, the IRZ organised a kick-off event on 20 December 2021 in Tirana on the theme "Methodology and practical exercises for the formation of legal propositions". The workshop was designed for academic staff and the future team at the documentation centre at the Supreme Court. Under the direction of Mr. Rainer Schliebs, Head of the Documentation Office of the BGH, and Mr. Thomas Traar, judge at the District Court of Bruck an der Mur (Austria), the participants were shown methods and best practices for drafting legal provisions by analysing German, Austrian and Albanian decisions and practical group exercises.

In addition to this exchange of expertise and experience, the IRZ supported the development of the documentation centre of the Supreme Court through extensive donations in kind. It provided standard works on the law of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights, and the documentation centre was equipped with new computers, laptops, scanners, a projector and other office supplies.

In 2022, the IRZ will also provide technical support to establish the documentation centre at the Supreme Court in Albania as part of the project funding of the Federal Foreign Office, and will further expand the successful cooperation.

Cooperation with the School of Magistrates of the Republic of Albania

Graphics: IRZ
Graphics: IRZ

The focus of the bilateral partnership with the partner state Albania in April and May 2021 was on the cooperation with the School of Magistrates. The School of Magistrates is responsible for the training and education of judges and public prosecutors.

Four online events were dedicated to the following subjects:

  • “The structure of public prosecutor’s offices and the role of the Public Prosecutor General” on 9 April 2021
  • “Justice and the media” on 15 April 2021
  • “Personal rights and freedom of speech for judges” on 4 May 2021
  • “Constitutional complaints” on 7 May 2021

The online seminar was attended by the following German experts:

  • Walter Selter, a former Public Prosecutor General
  • Brigitte Koppenhöfer, a former presiding judge at the regional court
  • Prof. Dr. Jan Bergmann, President of the Senate at the Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg

Such events have allowed IRZ to expand on its existing trusting working relationship and to offer the appropriate advice. For example, the series of events on the subject of constitutional complaints that began in 2018 has been enriched by the cooperation with the School of Magistrates.

The seminars also tied in with current debates, such as law no. 97/2016 on “the organisation and role of public prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”.

IRZ experts have been following and supporting developments in the partner state of Albania for many years and brought German and European views and experiences into the discussions.

These events were financed as part of the institutional partnership by the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV). There are plans to continue the partnership with the School of Magistrates in the course of the year.

Seminar on “State inspections and preventing money laundering in notary services” with the German Federal Chamber of Notaries

Graphics: IRZ
Graphics: IRZ

Following the success of an event organised between the Albanian Chamber of Notaries and the German Federal Chamber of Notaries (BNotK) in December 2020, IRZ is now developing this cooperation further. An online seminar on “State inspections and preventing money laundering in notary services” was organised on 12 March 2021 by IRZ together with the German and Albanian chambers of notaries and the EU EURALIUS project. This was the first event in a series of seminars on notarial topics. The seminar was financed by the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV) and was aimed at 25 or so Albanian notaries.

Alongside the EURALIUS V team leader, Dr. Agnes Bernhard, Fatmir Laçej, Vice-President of the Albanian Chamber of Notaries, Richard Bock, Head of International Affairs at the BNotK (German Federal Chamber of Notaries) and Viktoria Hoebel from IRZ welcomed the participants to the event.

The seminar dealt with the following subjects:

  • Preventing money laundering in notarial services according to the 5th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive
  • Preventing money laundering in notarial practice
  • Inspections in Albanian notarial services

The speakers at the seminar were Martin Thelen, a notary candidate and director at the BNotK, and Dr. Lovro Tomasic, international affairs representative at the BNotK.
Martin Thelen gave a lecture on the first topic and presented in detail the legal framework in place in Germany for the prevention of money laundering. He looked at the money laundering law, presenting risk management, due diligence and reporting obligations in more detail. The next two topics were discussed by Dr. Lovro Tomasic. Using eight case examples, he explained the theoretical and practical aspects of the money laundering law and pointed out the red flags to look out for. He went on to provide an insight into official inspections. With the help of a check-list he had produced, Dr. Tomasic explained the details of an official inspection and looked more closely at the role of certified notaries.

The law on money laundering in Albania is modelled on EU standards. However, no official inspection process has yet been established in Albania, although several inspections did take place over the past year. All the participants in the seminar welcomed the idea of a standardised inspection process and their active involvement in the process.

Discussions were remarkably animated, underlining the participants’ high level of interest in the subject.