Training: Effective measures, successful models and best practices

Judge Dr Jamal Hosni Haroun, General Director of the Jordanian Judicial Academy and participants of the online exchange of experiences on effective training measures, success models and best practices.
Judge Dr Jamal Hosni Haroun, General Director of the Jordanian Judicial Academy and participants of the online exchange of experiences on effective training measures, success models and best practices.

When are training measures effective and successful, which practices have proven their worth? In June 2024, IRZ, the Jordanian Judicial Academy and Dr Jeldrik Mühl, Head of Training as a representative of the Judicial Academy of North Rhine-Westphalia (JAK), discussed these questions online.

The Jordanian Judicial Academy is a long-standing partner of IRZ and is responsible for the basic and further training of legal personnel in Jordan. The JAK is the central training institution of the judicial administration of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and offers a comprehensive training programme for the judiciary.

Both institutions reported on their central tasks, the country-specific circumstances in the area of further training for legal personnel, their practical work and the associated training measures. The long-term effectiveness and efficiency of training models were a particular focus, but the discussions also covered the challenges, such as needs-based planning and the most effective and needs-based implementation of training programmes, the introduction of digital processes and technologies, as well as continuous further development and modification in the area of training.

IRZ would like to thank the participating institutions for the successful exchange, which contributes to the more effective initial and further training of legal staff and thus to the professionalisation of legal staff and the improvement of the functioning of the courts.