Focus on the policy to combat corruption

Republic of Kazakhstan

The first online seminar on this topic was held on 17th March 2023 to kick off a series of training courses on the prevention of and combat against corruption, which the IRZ is planning in cooperation with the anti-corruption agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2023.

The presentation of the two German experts, Senior Public Prosecutor Wolf-Tilman Baumert, Director of the Economic Crme Department at the Wuppertal Public Prosecutor's Office and Professor Dr. Bijan Nowrousian from the University of Police and Public Administration NRW in Münster focused on the following topics:

  • The anti-corruption policy in Germany
  • Whistleblowers
  • Effective anti-corruption measures
  • Conflicts of interest

Approx. 70 participants attended who were employees of various departments in the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The presentations were practice-oriented, as both speakers have expert knowledge and extensive expertise in this area, which was extremely well received by the participants. The opportunity to report cases of corruption anonymously and to protect whistleblowers in Germany attracted particular interest.

An event on the subject of compliance is also planned in consultation with the Kazakh partner institution. The IRZ is thus expanding its consistent project portfolio in Kazakhstan.