Training on “International legal aspects of the fight against corruption”
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- Published: April 29, 2021

On 22 April 2021, the “Pavel Shatev” Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors and IRZ organised a joint online training session on “International legal aspects of the fight against corruption”. The event was aimed at judges and public prosecutors from North Macedonia.
The lectures were given by:
- Senior Public Prosecutor Markus Busch, Head of Division II A 4 - Combating Economic, Computer, Corruption and Environmental Crime by means of Criminal Law, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, and Head of the German Delegation to GRECO (Group of States against Corruption), as well as
- Senior Public Prosecutor Dr. Todor Vitlarov, a Senior Prosecutor from Stip and Chairman of the Association of Public Prosecutors of North Macedonia.
The organisers had chosen the bilateral approach for the training, as GRECO recommendations play an important role for both countries. The GRECO recommendations for North Macedonia were therefore the main focus of the training session. In addition, Markus Busch, who has many years of experience in implementing international anti-corruption regulations, gave deeper insights into GRECO's working methods.
Both speakers also addressed issues of integrity and anti-corruption within the judiciary, paying attention to ethics and the self-perception of public prosecutors, judges and other people working in the justice system. Both speakers clarified the practical relevance of their remarks with some illustrative examples.