
New database for faster and standardised case law

Albania The official handover of the documentation software for the case law of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Albania, which was developed with project funding from the Federal Foreign Office, took place in Tirana on 15 July 2024. The new databa...

Summer school in Yerevan on criminal law topics

Armenia The concept of guilt in German criminal law and undercover investigations as evidence were the topics of the summer school, which took place in hybrid form in Yerevan on July 1, 2024. Around 35 students from the Faculty of Law at Yerevan State...

Closing event of the EU project EUKOJUST

Kosovo After a duration of more than 45 months, the closing event of the EU project EUKOJUST took place in Pristina on June 19, 2024. The event was attended by high-ranking representatives of the Kosovan judiciary. The large-scale project financed by ...

Communication of the courts, use of social media

Kosovo The internal and external communication of the courts and the use of social media play an important role in the external impact of the judiciary and so these topics were the focus of a workshop in June 2024 in Pristina, organised by IRZ in coope...

Training on the topic of "Drafting judgements"

Albania A training course on the topic of "Drafting judgments" took place on 30 May 2024 in Tirana, which was implemented by IRZ in cooperation with the School of Magistrates in Albania. The training was aimed at Albanian judges and is part of the stra...

In focus: Prevention of juvenile delinquency

Uzbekistan Protection and enforcement of social rights with a special focus on young people were the focus of a seminar held in Tashkent in May 2024. The focus was on the prevention of juvenile delinquency. IRZ organised the event in close cooperation ...

The following partner countries are highlighted on the map:

  • Albania
  • Algeria
  • Armenia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Egypt
  • Georgia
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kosovo
  • Mauritania
  • Moldova
  • Montenegro
  • Morocco
  • North Macedonia
  • Senegal
  • Serbia
  • Tunisia
  • Ukraine
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vietnam
  • Zambia